Business check in

Business check in

So my business has been going almost 2 months so thought I would do a little post with how I've found the last 60 odd days and the current game plan and future ambitions.

I've mentioned in a previous post about wearing so many different hats as a business owner and while at times is been stressful or frustrating, I've took the stance that its an opportunity to develop as a human being. Its shown that I'm capable of anything I truly put my mind too and has been a steep learning curve. I've surprised myself at my perseverance as I tend to give up easily with a lot of things such as the countless hobbies and interests I've had over the years. But it just shows that this is a true passion.

Was I a bit naïve about how much money I would be making already? 100%...I thought I would have a nice little nest egg by now but reality has definitely smashed me in the face with that one, ha ha!! Sometimes it can be disheartening when I don't get many website views or no sales for a few days but again having the perseverance to keep going has been key. I want to make my business a success!

My current plans are to keep developing my candle collections. My next one is launching later tonight, The Bundles collection, which will be mini versions of some of the best-sellers in my Tarot and Zodiac ranges. Then the next task is to sort out my next range being "The Law of Attraction" - more details on that to follow. I'm continually pushing content on my social media platforms and in the last few days have been verified on Facebook, which is exciting. 

Future plans are trying to get into local craft fairs and spiritual shows. I've attended a few over the last few weeks and to have a little stall at events like that will only help propel Hawthorne Candles to a wider audience. My name is on some lists so lets wait and see what comes from it. 

I have so many ideas for future ranges that they are literally overflowing out my brain but I'm trying to remember to take it one step at a time. I'm also looking to explore wax melts as I know a lot of people prefer using wax melts to candles and it would be nice to also offer accessories with the candles or wax melts such as burners, decorative candle mats so watch this space

Finally, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has checked out my website, followed me on socials, purchased from me and engaged with me and the business. The love and support I've received has been heartwarming and really puts a smile on face. It really is appreciated!

Have a great weekend

Love Jen x


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