We are live!

We are live!

That's it! The button has been pressed and my first products are available to buy, no going back now. I'm incredibly excited but also nervous...its like I'm baring my soul to the world and hope it will be accepted, I guess time will tell.

I wanted to take this opportunity to give you some background on my business and what its about. If you have read my 'About Me' page you will know that I love all things spiritual. My mystic journey began just over a year ago. I was always intrigued by astrology, horoscopes, crystals but I decided to dedicate some proper time to understanding these subjects and it soon developed into an obsession. 

My nearest and dearest will know that I struggled with my mental health for a long time (maybe a story for another time!) and the conventional methods of therapy and medication worked but never quite hit the spot. This is where my spirituality really kicked in. Being able to delve into my psyche through reading my birth chart and exploring my planetary placements, doing shadow work to heal past traumas, reading my tarot etc. helped to calm my mind and understand myself on a deeper level. Hence why when I decided to set up my candle business, I wanted to incorporate the light that got me out of a dark place. Its my way of celebrating what spirituality can bring to your life but also to act as a reminder of how powerful it can be.

The first collection I'm launching is a range of Major Arcana Tarot inspired candles. I read my tarot cards every day and I love the story that they tell through feeding off my energy, it really is insightful. Making all 22 Major Arcana cards into candles would be a mean feet so I picked 7 of them each different in their own way. All my candles come with a poem on the back which signifies the cards purpose and meaning and in the coming weeks, I will look at expanding the range to include more cards so I welcome any ideas on cards which you would like making into candles.

I think that's enough from me for now...so far I'm really enjoying writing these blogs and I have plenty more ideas for future articles so watch these space. In the meantime, welcome to my store and thank you for supporting my business, it does mean a lot.

Love Jen x


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