Taurus New Moon - 19.05.23

Taurus New Moon - 19.05.23

On Friday 19th May at 4:53 PM BST, we will have a New Moon in the sign of Taurus...I'm sure you thinking "Great, but what does that mean to me?" or "You can't even see a New Moon so what's so important about that"...well let me tell you....

Firstly, its important to understand the meaning of the moon phases so let me give you a brief overview of the 4 main ones:

  • New Moon - synonymous with new beginnings, fresh starts and endless possibilities. This time can be used to reflect and learn from the past in order to be bigger and better next time around
  • First Quarter Moon - this is a period where challenges come to the forefront and where you need to push forward with decisions
  • Full moon - known as the time to celebrate accomplishments and also to let go of what no longer serves your highest purpose
  • Third Quarter Moon - a moment for introspection and discover what you have learnt in order to transition ready for the start of the cycle again with the New Moon

If you are a bit hippy-dippy like me, the New Moon and Full Moon are key times perform some form of ritual to enhance the lunar energy. You can manifest, journal, create affirmations, meditate, cleanse and charge your crystals and even make Moon Water (google it!). With New Moons meaning new beginnings, this is the time to plant seeds of intentions and visualize what you want to achieve/receive and send your message out to The Universe to fulfil. 

When you have a minute, check out Georgina at Athenas Crystals on TikTok and Instagram. I've followed Georgina for years and she always gives out great and easy rituals to do on New and Full Moons.

Now coming back to the New Moon in Taurus. This is meant to be one of the most powerful New Moons this year particularly for fixed zodiac placements - Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio. Taurus is associated with the 2nd house of material possessions and income.

What makes this New Moon so fruitful is the fact that in the sign of Taurus, we currently have The Sun and most importantly the planet of growth, expansion and abundance, Jupiter transited into Taurus earlier this week; so the Moon is feeding from Jupiter's and The Suns plentiful energy. 

Today and Tonight, I will be following Georgina's suggestion to enhance this energy which is basically to embody the best Boss b*tch version of yourself to raise your vibrational frequency to attract money, wealth, happiness and abundance. I have been listening to "Rich Girl" playlists all day, envisioning what my life could look like (yes, a mansion and private jet did feature ha ha!!) and finally wrote an affirmation on my mirror to recite every morning - "I'm ready Universe, show me how good it gets". I'm also wearing my Citrine necklace which is the crystal of abundance.

Hey, you might think its a load of rubbish but if you have made it to the end of this blog, might as well be worth a try and see what you can attract into your life.

Happy New Moon!

Love Jen x

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