19.04.23 - Hybrid Solar Eclipse/New Moon

19.04.23 - Hybrid Solar Eclipse/New Moon

Tonight seems like an appropriate time to start my other blog stream about all things spiritual. Whether you are into that aspect of life or not, I hope you enjoy the content I will be writing about and you never know it might pique your interest...

So tonight is a Hybrid Solar eclipse/New Moon ...what does that mean I hear you ask?

A hybrid solar eclipse is an extremely rare type of solar eclipse that changes its appearance from annular (ring of fire) or total eclipse (maximum darkness) and back as the Moon's shadow moves across the earth's surface. Unfortunately in the UK, we will not get to see this as its happening over Western Australia around 04:30am UK time however when it comes to spirituality, you can still harness the power of this eclipse energy. 

There will be a theme of "energy" throughout this blog as this is a fundamental aspect to life. Everything is made up of energy and how you react, feed off, radiate your energy can depict how events will pan out for you. 

New Moons are a moment to start afresh, plant seeds of intention and manifest new beginnings. Some people perform New Moon rituals while others journal/write down their manifestions (their wishes, desires etc), however you wish to do it, tonight's energy isn't worth missing.

I wanted to share what I have done this evening to utilise this energy. As with all eclipses, the energy is quite intense. Its no coincidence some of you may have been feeling a bit agitated, annoyed or fatigued in the last few days in the run up to the eclipse (I know I definitely have!) But as mentioned, New Moon's are about fresh starts so I have cleansed the house with incense, created a money bowl with crystals that will promote the things I want for my business and wrote a thank you letter to the Universe for what I have received so far this year (raising vibrations through gratitude). For the next week, I will read the letter every morning and speak aloud some affirmations which will attract the things I want into my life. To me this is something simple to harness the energy of the Eclipse and New Moon, in essence I'm practising the Law of Attraction. If you will something hard enough, it can come true.

I hope I havent bamboozled you all with my waffling, trust me I tried to keep this high level. I didnt even talk about the Eclipse/New Moon being in the sign of Aries (that will be saved for another time). This is the first blog of many as there are so many topics I want to talk about but I hope you enjoyed the read 

Remember my Zodiac Candle Range goes live on Friday 21st at 5pm so can't wait for you to see my next creations.

In the meantime, Happy Eclipse/New Moon

Love Jen x

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