Jens Astrology 101 - Part 1

Jens Astrology 101 - Part 1

My Zodiac Candle range is being launched in just over an hour so I thought this would be a good time to talk a bit of astrology. I'm by no means an expert but I have spent many an hour researching and learning so this will be my take on it.

Whether you believe in this or not, I can guarantee most of you will have read your horoscopes in a newspaper, magazine or online but there are so many layers to it than a generic 3 sentence article that you might read somewhere.

I can make an educated assumption that you will have read the horoscope for your Sun sign (the sign in the month you were born) and I can make this assumption as I did exactly the same until I started really getting into this topic. Astrology, in simple terms, is the study of the movements and positions of the sun, moon, planets, and stars in the belief that they affect the character and lives of people therefore did you know that if you choose to read your horoscopes, there are a minimum of 3 you should really read:

  • Sun Sign (the sign in the month you were born)
  • Rising Sign (the sign which was on the easterly horizon at the time you were born)
  • Moon Sign (the sign which the Moon was in at the time you were born)

For some, this might pertain to 1-2 zodiac signs but from personal experience, the majority of people who I read birth charts for have 3 different zodiac signs for their Sun, Moon and Rising. For example, I am an Aquarius Sun, I am a Virgo Moon and I am a Gemini Rising. 

If you are interested in knowing your Moon and Rising signs, I recommend using

You will need your full date, time and place of birth to calculate your birth chart and sub sequentially see your Moon, Rising and all of your planetary placements - if you try it, be sure to pick the "House System" of whole signs for an easier view.

There is a reason why when you read horoscopes you might not feel like they truly resonate or you think its a load of waffle, and that's because in truth, we have all of the zodiac signs in us, in some way, shape or form but I'll explain the differences between Sun, Moon and Rising signs.

  • The Sun represents our ego, motivations and what we aspire to be
  • The Moon governs our emotional nature and how we handle theme
  • The Rising sign (sometimes referred to as the Ascendant sign) speaks to the energy that we put into the world - like your shop front if you will

Linking these 3 signs together offers up the basics of your personality, according to astrology. When I learnt about this, things automatically clicked as to why I'm not your typical Aquarius stereotype i.e cold-hearted, doesn't show emotions.

I can recognize now the different elements which make up my personality...

  • The Sun - Aquarius - I aspire to be in control of my emotions and like to be seen as a bit different - sound like an eccentric Aquarian trying to come through
  • The Moon - Virgo - I am a natural born control freak, and when I don't have control, I can lose my s*** pretty quickly. The Virgo in me likes to be organized and prepared.
  • Rising - Gemini - I have been referred to as "flim-flam" or "overly emotional" in the past i.e I can go from 0-100 in a matter of seconds or can be happy one minute and down the next and this is the duality of Gemini coming through.

Why am I telling you all this?...

While not least because I find it fascinating and as I've said previously, I like to share my knowledge as you never know who it might benefit but also because when you look through the Zodiac Candle Range, you aren't just limited to your Sun sign as the one you typically know for yourself. You technically have all of the 12 signs in you somewhere so take a look at all of them particularly the signs for your Moon and Rising once you've checked out your birth chart.

In the next blog, I'll go through how the planets correspond to the signs and also the houses of your birth chart as they each represent a different area of your life.

Have a fantastic weekend, and happy Zodiac candle buying :)

Love Jen x

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