Jens Astrology 101 - Part 3 - Polarity, Elements and Modes

Jens Astrology 101 - Part 3 - Polarity, Elements and Modes

Did you ever think there were so many aspects to the zodiac sign you call your own?? Me neither at one stage but I found it so interesting learning the different layers that make up my astrological placements.

In this blog, I'll go through the above mentioned features as they can give powerful information about your personality and what drives you. The picture at the top of this blog can help you follow along as to which part belongs to which sign

Polarity - expressed by positive and negative symbols, which doesn't represent optimism or pessimism, think of it more like the Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang

  • Positive - have more of an extroverted and outward facing personality and enjoy external stimulus and interaction (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius & Aquarius)
  • Negative - are more low-key and introvert with a focus on internal & emotional experiences (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces)

Elements - most of you would be familiar with the Fire, Earth, Air and Water symbolism for your sign, but let me detail the specifics

  • Fire - known to be bold & determined. Acting with courage and have a strong sense of optimism and focus (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius)
  • Earth - solid and grounded, preferring practical things and tangible results. Its all about the here and now, not ifs or buts (Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn)
  • Air - full of thoughts and ideas from a logical point of view and can exercise emotional restraint easily (Gemini, Libra & Aquarius)
  • Water - sit in their feelings and are highly attuned with their sensitive intuition (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces)

Modes - easiest way to think of these are like the months within the seasons of the year

  • Cardinal - begins each season - they take the initiative, make the first move and enjoys new beginnings (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn)
  • Fixed - reflecting the middle part of a season - its more stable, settled & steadfast but likely to resist change (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius)
  • Mutable - marking the end of a season - revel in movement and change and happy to go with the flow (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces)

Now I want to stress the importance, as I've done throughout this blog so far, that you might be reading the above and saying "Well that isn't how I am" - please don't just be applying these factors to your Sun sign. Let me give you an example as to why for my own Sun sign, Aquarius:

  • Polarity - Positive = extrovert. I can be at times, but a lot of people would consider me to be shy and insular.
  • Element - Air = logical thoughts and ideas. There is a reason my gamer tag online is JennyLogic, affectionately given by my boyfriend, as I seem to have my own form of logic that only makes sense to me. In reality it rarely makes logical sense at all.
  • Mode - Fixed = stable but resists change. Once upon a time I hated change but I've grown to accept that this is an inevitability of life

So you can see, there are areas which resonate with my Sun sign but also a lot that doesn't hence why you need to consider all your astrological placements with what houses and signs they fall under (see previous blog - - let me give you another example:

Venus, the planet of love & relationships is in my 10th house of career in the sign of Pisces - my interpretation of this placement in my workplace is:

  • Polarity - Negative = Introvert. While I am trying to put myself out there with my business, my 9-5 job is a different kettle of fish. I work as an analyst for a logistics company so my days are spent analyzing masses of data to identify trends. A lot of the time its solitary work and for me requires peace and quiet in order to focus.
  • Element - Water = emotions and feelings. I am a very passionate person when it comes to my career. Its sometimes not necessarily channeled in the right way but no-one can say I don't care about doing the best job I can
  • Mode - Mutable = goes with the flow. In my 9-5, no two days are ever the same so I've learnt to adapt to change and be flexible to manage what is needed to get the job done.

The planet of love and relationships might seem like an odd placement in my career house but to me, its about the love and relationship I have with my jobs, my business that tells me a lot about the future I might have in the working world. As I'm building and evolving my business, I can foresee the placement of Venus in my career house, with the different factors above as being a mixed bag for me. The water element resonates as I care passionately about making amazing candles and expressing my love of all things spiritual, however having the introverted polarity and mutable mode might pose a challenge. At some point I will need to put myself out there in the form of spiritual shows, craft fairs, doing lives on socials etc. which makes me feel anxious as I'm not an extrovert person in that sense and while I'm learning to role with the punches when it comes to business, I can get frustrated at times when things aren't going my way - the opposite of going with the flow.

In the next blog, I'll talk about some additional features you might see in your birth chart and astrological events to be aware of.

Enjoy the Coronation Weekend - don't forget to take advantage of the "Buy 1, get 1 half price" offer until Monday 8th May

Love Jen x 


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