The power of the 777 portal

The power of the 777 portal

Firstly, let me apologise for my recent absenteeism, things in my personal life have changed over the last month or so. I've moved back to my childhood home so things are taking some adjustment but what's nice is getting my sense of spirituality back. Walking around the village where I grew up sparks joyful memories of my youth and how much magic I felt as a child. Maybe a blog for another time as tonight I want to talk about the importance of today's date.

The 7th day of the 7th month in the 7th collective year (2+0+2+3 = 7) means that the 777 portal has opened. After the recent supermoon in Capricorn on the July 3rd and the lions gate portal being round the corner (July 26th-August 12th) this is the time to use this cosmic energy to its full potential.

777 is an angelic number, the number of God and divine timing. This number is a sign of completeness and signifies that your soul and spirit are in alignment, as long as you focus on maintaining a balanced life. The number 7 represents psychic growth, intuition, spirituality and dreams.

Normally I recognise these events but don't really harness their has been a little different. I woke up to see that Georgina from Athenas Crystals (mentioned in my previous blog) shared a story on her page featuring one of my candles, the instant sense of gratitude I felt was one of the best ways to start my day. Next, followed a rescue story with a bird that my Mums cats had brought in. Luckily it was still alive and not harmed but being able to rescue it, set it free and spending the next 2 hours making sure it found its way back to its family, again made me feel really happy. And the final thing that made my day was getting some orders through off the back of a lull period. Seeing that people like my candles and are willing to buy them fills me with an immense amount of gratitude and pride. 

So during some quiet time this afternoon, I sat and reflected on what a good day it was and realised that the power of the 777 portal and The Universe certainly had a part to play in helping to raise my vibration and encourage some optimism. 

We all could do with a boost from time to time so whether it's tapping into your gut instinct on that situation you are in or person you are dealing with, embracing the calm of nature or manifesting your dream life, I would recommend dedicating some time during these celestial events to harness their power as you see never know what it could lead to

Love Jen x

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